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Bradenton Ranked One Of The Top In The Nation For Well Being


Gallup-Healthways survey on “State of American Well-Being” just came out rating the Bradenton-Sarasota-North Port metropolitan area No. 6 in the community. The five categories used to score each area were financial, community, physical, social and purpose. Finanical represents living in a place where stress is reduced and ability to manage money and create security- this is the sector in which Bradenton-Sarasota-North Port ranked highest. Other factors included feeling safe and prideful of your city, overall good health with activities to generate positive and healthy living, enjoying what you do everyday and feeling motivated by the work you do, lastly having support and love in your life. Naples-Immokalee-Marco Island, Florida made No. 1 on the list with many of the other top cities located in California.